101 Best Pyramid Training Workouts: The Ultimate Challenge Workout Collection

101 Best Pyramid Training Workouts: The Ultimate Challenge Workout Collection

Matematika selesaikan penyelesaian |3x-7|≥4​

selesaikan penyelesaian |3x-7|≥4​

|3x - 7| ≥ 4

= 3x - 7 ≥ atau 3x - 7 ≤ -4

= 3x - 7 ≥ 4

= 3x ≥ 4 + 7

= 3x ≥ 11

= 3x ≥ 11/3

= x ≥ 11/3

= x ≥ 11/3 atau x ≤ 1

= x 1 atau x 11/3
